Software Update - version
- Made some tweaks in Dispatch including the ability to sort trips by Driver, Vehicle, Route, or Account in addition to Time. Other Dispatch improvements include updates to the Confirmed icon and the tooltip on trip notes.
- Added a link to Release notes that can be accessed from the Help menu.
- Live support chat is now embedded into your current browser tab instead of opening a new tab.
- Made an update to the Assignment Planner so that the client’s full name is visible.
- Added loading spinners in Dashboard charts on the Home screen.
- Updated the display order in custom fields so that there is a default value when creating a new custom field.
- Fixed bugs found when loading two remittance file types – CTG and Fidelis.
- Added an indicator to required fields in Account Code Mappings and fixed a bug where the remove button wasn’t working.
- Fixed an error message that was displaying when re-entering a password after the session expired.
- In Quick Assign, added support for pre-assigned trips.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing saving records when editing some custom field values.
- Added beta Attestation and Invoicing. Contact Customer Support to learn more or activate the feature.